I currently offer supervision to pre-licensed mental health clinicians in Washington state.
I was a licensed mental health counselor from 2017 to 2021 and then became a licensed psychologist in 2021. Providing mentorship and supervision support to new clinicians is a passion of mine. Assisting new clinicians find their voice, their strengths and their focus as mental health providers is a privilege. Providing a space to grow, question, challenge and expand is essential to start working through how you want to show up in the therapy space.
Individual Supervision: This service is available for pre-licensed clinicians. We will meet either weekly or biweekly based on your caseload and supervision needs. You can either work with me individually or share the time with one other colleague. For it to count toward “immediate supervision” for licensure, the ratio is one supervisor to 1-2 pre-licensed clinicians. Fee is $200/session.
Grief Consultation: If you are a mental health provider and seeking additional training, support or consultation with grief, starting September 2024, I’ll be offering exclusive grief consultation. Grief is a universal lived experience and yet our graduate training programs do not include training to help support or develop our understanding of how to do grief work with our clients. These 75-minute consultations will work to build your clinical understanding of grief work and grow your confidence and capability in helping support your grieving clients. We will talk thru specific strategies and resources to help progress your work. To participate in individual grief consultations, the fee is $300.
Please reach out to for supervision & consultation inquiries to make sure we’d be a good fit.
(WAC 246-809-210, WAC 246-809-134, WAC 246-809-230)